World Literature (Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Modern)
“Let us trust what the poets say, and hope.”
Facing uncertainty, Aragorn places his trust in the legends of his culture. And that’s exactly what legends are for: not just comfort, but guidance.
Myths To Save The World is guiding principles for young lords and ladies in God’s kingdom. This is a literature class unlike any other: we are journeying through myths from ancient, medieval, and modern times - myths chosen because they specifically address the problems of today. We’ll drink deep from the rich cultural inheritance we’ve received from the ancients, and see how it was redeemed and developed in the Christian middle ages.
To study mythology is to grow in mental health, confidence, and wisdom. These are stories every free person must know - not only because they equip us to make the decisions free people must make, but also because knowing them will make your mind free.
In this course you will:
Build up a coherent understanding of world literature.
Discover the real story of the Christian middle ages.
Discover the timeless patterns and symbols in storytelling, and what they have to say about everyday life.
Find powerful role models from history and legend.
The kind of myths we cover…
When you enroll you get:
access to the online course via Moodle
access to the class Discord server where you can discuss topics or get help from the instructor.
2025-26 school year:
this course meets twice a week, Mon/Wed, 7pm (subject to change)
Interested in a once a week version? Contact me!